Client : WeWork Japan
Location : Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Program : Co-Working Office, Lounge, Cafeteria
Area : 5300 sqm
Status : Completed
Photos : WeWork 
[Click on the picture to enlarge]
In the 1980’s someone at Ernst & Young, an international accounting firm, made a quick calculation on office usage on the back of a paper napkin. The results were astonishing, occupancy rates of the workspace are very inefficient. Think of it: of the 365 days of the year, at least 100 days a year the office space is not used. To make matters worse, of the 24 hours around 16 hours a day the office remains empty. In addition to that, not all the employees sit the whole day at his or her desk. Some staffs are rarely at their desk. Ernst & Young, good accountants as they are, saw a unique business opportunity: instead of giving every employee their desk they provided spaces for their staff to work when they are in the office, it could be at a desk (that they would share with others), it could be a room that they could reserve in advance. They called it: “hoteling”.

WeWork is taking this thought a step further, companies rent a minimum space from WeWork and instead of building meeting rooms, break-out spaces, these type of auxiliary spaces are used when needed and shared with other companies. WeWork was not the first to call for this Workplace Sharing but they are arguably the most successful in setting up this concept. WeWork provides space for any company, from a one-man operation to a full-blown organization and giving them space to work. Also, they will give these companies access to exquisitely designed meeting rooms, cafeteria’s, phone booths, mother rooms, conference rooms, and game rooms, not owned but shared with others. It’s Hoteling 2.0.

WeWorkはこのアイデアをさらに一歩進化させ、企業は会議室やカフェテリアを自社で持つ代わりに、WeWorkから最小限のスペースを借り、借りたスペースは必要に応じて使用されますが、他の企業とも共有します。 WeWorkは、このシェアリングオフィスの概念を最初に展開したというわけではありませんが、間違いなく、この概念の下で最も成功していると言えます。 WeWorkは、ワンマンオペレーションから本格的な組織まで、あらゆる企業にワークスプレイスとしてスペースを提供しています。また、これらの企業は、共有で使用できる会議室、カフェテリア、電話ブース、マザールーム、大会議室、ゲームルームにもアクセスできます。これこそ「ホテリング ヴァーション2.0」と言えるでしょう。
